What you can do to celebrate Public Schools Week Feb. 21-25, 2022

Monday, February 21  Join us for ICPE’s Day of Action at the Statehouse. The program begins at 2  p.m. in the north atrium. Visit your legislators beforehand if possible, and write postcards to them about important bills that still need action. We’re kicking off our theme “Public Schools Unite Us” during Public Schools Week.

Find all the event details here.

Change your Facebook profile to a public school message for the week. Here’s one with our theme (click image to download):

Tuesday, February 22 – Show your love for your public schools.  We’ll post a slide show with pictures from Monday’s Day of Action.  Share your own photos and send us yours if you’d like us to share. Use our form to make a donation of at least $10 so you can get a “Public Schools Unite Us” yard sign.   

Wednesday, February 23 – It’s a Twitter storm! Look for tweets from ICPE about House Bill 1134, then follow the instructions to retweet and include the hashtags

Thursday, February 24 — Thank You Thursday, write a note of thanks to teachers, school board members, school administrators, counselors, nurses, coaches, bus drivers and cafeteria staff – anyone you know who is making a difference for children in Indiana’s public schools.  If you legislators have supported public schools, thank them, too.

Friday, February 25 — Fun Friday, at the end of the week, talk to your kids about what happened in school this week,  maybe go through that backpack and look through the papers to remind you what happened.  Ask your children what they are looking forward to. Celebrate how much they have achieved. Then relax, hug and enjoy reading and playing games together.

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